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Jun 17, 2022

When’s the last time you’ve changed the oil in your car? If it’s more than half a year ago, it’s likely that your vehicle is due for an oil change. While most cars drive well when the oil is replaced every 5,000 to 7,500 miles, the ideal frequency of this service depends on the vehicle and the type of oil used. Let’s have a closer look at how often you should come to see us at Duncan Suzuki and have your oil replaced.

In the past, most mechanics recommended that you get your oil changed approximately once every 3,000 miles. However, this is no longer necessary because the modern lubricants are more durable. Therefore, you should aim to visit your dealership mechanic once you’ve driven 5,000 to 7,500 miles. For most people, this means changing their oil around twice a year.

While the above-named figures are a good starting point, there are several factors that affect the longevity of your oil. New synthetic oils tend to last much longer than most traditional ones, so if you drive a modern car, you might not need to have it serviced very frequently. To find out how often your specific model needs its oil replaced, you should either refer to your car’s manual or speak to the mechanic.

What Are the Signs of Old Oil?

If you keep up with your service appointments, you shouldn’t have any trouble with old oil. But if you’ve delayed visiting your dealership, you might run into issues such as an excessive amount of exhaust smoke, a burning smell when you drive, or poor fuel economy. All of these problems are signs that your oil might be old.

To make sure, you should use your dipstick to check the color of your oil. New oil has an attractive amber color, but the older it is, the darker it looks. If your oil is dark brown or black, you should go to see your mechanic immediately. Otherwise, you might experience further issues such as stalling, trouble starting your car’s engine, and problems with shifting gears.

Do I Have to Go to the Suzuki Dealer for Service? 

Now you understand when you need to visit a mechanic for an oil replacement, you might wonder where you should take the car. Duncan Suzuki has an excellent repair shop, where you can find highly trained mechanics, quality spare parts, and a friendly service.

No matter if you’ve had your car for many years or you’ve just acquired it, we’re happy to run diagnostic tests, perform routine maintenance, and show you how to best take care of the vehicle. You can also visit us if your car is damaged because we’re able to carry out virtually any repair.

Changing the oil in your car is extremely important because it prevents damage, preserves fuel efficiency, and allows you to enjoy a superior driving experience. To get the most out of your vehicle, you should come to the dealership once every 5,000 to 7,500 miles and have your oil replaced. Call or message us at Duncan Suzuki to chat with a friendly mechanic and find out more.